

DSJ Global: A Leading Logisitics Talent Partner

The logistics industry plays a crucial role in the global economy, and its significance cannot be emphasized enough. According to the leading industry body CIPS, the market is projected to reach an impressive ยฃ15.5tn by 2023, with an estimated 54.5 billion tonnes of goods moved annually. In this fast-evolving landscape, staying ahead with the latest technologies and prioritizing consumer experience and satisfaction is vital for businesses..

In this dynamic environment, DSJ Global emerges as a leading talent partner, specializing in mid-senior end-to-end logistics talent. Our expertise lies in securing business-critical talent through various recruitment solutions.

Guided by our core values, DSJ Global delivers a streamlined service that we are truly proud of. Our commitment to uniting talented professionals with industry-leading companies spans the globe. Investing in world-class technology ensures we offer consistent, exceptional service, fulfilling the needs and desires of our valued customers.

If you are seeking to secure top talent within the procurement industry or are a professional looking for your next opportunity, the specialized team at DSJ Global is here to connect candidates and clients through a range of bespoke talent solutions. Trust DSJ Global for your logistics talent needs and unlock new possibilities for success in this rapidly expanding field.

If you're a candidate, please register your CV and get discovered for all relevant roles.

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โ€‹If you're a client looking for the best talent, please Register your vacancy or Request a call back.

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Benefits of working with DSJ Global Logistics team

We are a trusted talent partner. When working with DSJ Globalโ€™s logistics team, you can expect to receive:

Logistic Industry

โ€‹Over 14 years of experience and professional knowledge in the logistics industryโ€‹

Access to Up-to-Date Networks

โ€‹Access to an exclusive up-to-date network of logistics candidates and clients looking to hire

Guidance and Advice

Guidance and advice from our award-winning talent experts in the logistics sector

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Supply Chain Logistics Jobs

Niederlassungsleiter Spedition/Logistik (m/w/d)

Niederlassungsleiter Spedition/Logistik (m/w/d) Ihre neue Herausforderung: Wir suchen eine Fรผhrungspersรถnlichkeit mit Leidenschaft fรผr Logistik und Erfahrung in der Leitung komplexer Strukturen. Der Standort, strategisch wichtig und modern, ist als Eurohub etabliert und verzeichnet starkes Wachstum. Als Niederlassungsleiter (m/w/d) รผbernehmen Sie die Verantwortung fรผr einen jungen, dynamischen Standort mit ca. 100 Mitarbeitenden, eingebunden in ein europaweites Netzwerk fรผr einer der Top Unternehmen in der Logistik. Ihre Aufgaben: Leitung und Weiterentwicklung der Niederlassung mit Fokus auf Stรผckgutnetzwerk, Nahverkehr und Kontraktlogistik. Umsetzung von OptimierungsmaรŸnahmen zur Steigerung der Effizienz und Auslastung (derzeit 50 %). Gewinnung neuer Kunden und Ausbau bestehender Partnerschaften zur Sicherung des Wachstums. Fรผhrung und Motivation des Teams, bestehend aus sechs direkten Berichtswegen (u.a. Vertrieb, Spedition, Intermodal und Kontraktlogistik). Coaching und Entwicklung der Mitarbeitenden, um Prozesse nachhaltig zu verbessern. Zusammenarbeit mit dem Interimmanager wรคhrend der รœbergangsphase. Ihr Profil: Tiefgreifende Erfahrung in Transportlogistik, Stรผckgutnetzwerken, Nahverkehr und Kontraktlogistik. Fรผhrungserfahrung mit einer Kombination aus operativer und kommerzieller Expertise. Fรคhigkeit, Teams zu motivieren, Verรคnderungen zu managen und Ziele konsequent zu verfolgen. Dynamik, Ehrgeiz und Leidenschaft fรผr die Weiterentwicklung eines expandierenden Standorts. Die Perspektive: Sie erwartet eine Schlรผsselposition in einem zukunftsorientierten Umfeld, das Gestaltungsspielraum und Entwicklungsmรถglichkeiten bietet. Mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen und einer unternehmerischen Kultur haben Sie die Chance, den Erfolg der Niederlassung maรŸgeblich zu beeinflussen. Ihr nรคchster Schritt: Werden Sie Teil eines dynamischen Teams und gestalten Sie aktiv die Zukunft eines wachsenden Standorts in einem fรผhrenden Logistiknetzwerk! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.

Region Hannover

Speditionsleitung international (m/w/d)

Speditionsleitung International (m/w/d) - Hamburg, Deutschland Wir suchen eine engagierte Fรผhrungskraft fรผr die Position als Speditionsleitung im internationalen Bereich an unserem Standort in der dynamischen Hafenstadt Hamburg. Sie รผbernehmen hierbei nicht nur Verantwortung fรผr unsere wichtigen Logistikprozesse sondern auch die Leitung eines motivierten Teams von 10 Personen. Als Teil einer traditionsreichen und gleichzeitig modern ausgerichteten Unternehmensgruppe mit beeindruckendem Jahresumsatz bieten wir Ihnen einen Arbeitsplatz voller Herausforderungen sowie Mรถglichkeiten zur persรถnlichen und beruflichen Weiterentwicklung. Ihre Aufgaben: Eigenverantwortliche fachliche und disziplinarische Leitung des internationalen Speditionsteams Kostenoptimierung innerhalb der Export-Import-Prozesskette Abrechnungscontrollingsowie Disposition vonFrachteninklusiveEinkaufsverhandlungen Sicherstellung der Einhaltung qualitativer Vorgaben Ihr Profil: Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung im Bereich Spedition/Logistikdienstleistung oder relevante Berufserfahrung. Rasche Auffassungsgabe verbunden mit einer strukturierten Arbeitsweise. Gute Englischkenntnisse sind essentiell um internationale Prozesse zu managen. Kommunikationsstรคrke gepaart mit Organisationstalent ist Ihre Basis zum Erfolg bei uns. Fรผhlen Sie sich bereit, in einem Umfeld tรคtig zu werden, das durch gelebten Teamgeist geprรคgt ist? Schรคtzen Sie flache Hierarchien ebenso wie kurze Entscheidungswege? Dann freuen wir uns darauf, mehr รผber Ihre Visionen fรผr diese Rolle zu erfahren! Senden Sie bitte Ihre aussagekrรคftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen.


Team Leader Air Freight Import (m/w/d)

Teamleiter (m/w/d) Luftfracht Import - Hamburg Wir suchen fรผr den Standort in Hamburg eine engagierte Fรผhrungskraft, die das Team im Bereich Luftfracht Import mit Leidenschaft und Expertise zum Erfolg fรผhrt. Als international agierendes Unternehmen im Logistiksektor setzt es auf innovative Lรถsungen und ein starkes Miteinander. Ihre Aufgaben: รœberwachung aller Abteilungsprozesse unter Einhaltung von Qualitรคtsstandards sowie gesetzlichen Vorgaben Aktive Weiterentwicklung des Teams durch Coaching und Unterstรผtzung seitens des Air Freight Managers Vorantrieb der Prozessoptimierung in Ihrem Verantwortungsbereich Disposition von Warenlieferungen inklusive Mitwirkung bei der Zollabfertigung Durchfรผhrung eigenstรคndiger Ratenverhandlungen Profil: Sie bringen eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Kaufmann/-frau fรผr Spedition oder ein Hochschulstudium mit Schwerpunkt Logistik sowie entsprechende Berufserfahrung mit. Zu Ihren Stรคrken zรคhlen auรŸerdem: Fundierte operative Kenntnisse aus dem Speditionsbereich Erste Erfahrungen in Mitarbeiterfรผhrung sind wรผnschenswert Fachkompetenz hinsichtlich Luftsicherheit und vertieftes Zollwissen Gute IT-Kenntnisse sowie sicheres Englisch Die Angebotspalette umfasst neben einer modernen Arbeitsumgebung auch flexible Arbeitszeiten, vielfรคltige Karrieremรถglichkeiten รผber die eigene Academy. Wenn Sie den nรคchsten Schritt gehen mรถchten, senden Sie uns Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu!


Chief Operating Officer (M/W/D)

Chief Operating Officer (COO) (m/w/d) fรผr eine Business Unit eines deutschen mittelstรคndischen Logistikunternehmens Unser Mandant ist ein etabliertes, deutsches mittelstรคndisches Logistikunternehmen mit รผber 1.500+ Mitarbeitern und einem Netzwerk von 30 Depots sowie 6 Lagerstandorten in Deutschland. Die zu besetzende Position ist Teil einer strategisch wichtigen Business Unit, die sich durch Innovationskraft und Kundenorientierung auszeichnet. Zur Verstรคrkung des Fรผhrungsteams suchen wir eine/n erfahrene/n Chief Operating Officer (COO). Standort: Dรผsseldorf o. Berlin Ihre Aufgaben: Gesamtverantwortung fรผr die operative Steuerung und Optimierung der Logistikprozesse innerhalb der Business Unit in den Bereichen Last Mile Delivery, Installation, Road Freight und Warehousing. Strategische Planung und Umsetzung von Digitalisierungsprojekten zur Effizienzsteigerung und Verbesserung der Servicequalitรคt. KoordinationundVerstรคndnisvonDatenstrรถmeninnerhalbderoperativenAblรคufe, um fundierteEntscheidungenzutreffenundProzessezuoptimieren. EngeZusammenarbeitmit den Depotleitern, demLagerteamsowieder IT-AbteilungzurSicherstellungeinesreibungslosenAblaufsdertรคglichenOperationen. Analyse von Kennzahlen und Ableitung von MaรŸnahmen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Betriebsablรคufe. EntwicklungundImplementierungvonStrategienzurKostenoptimierungundRessourcennutzung. Fรผhrung, Motivation undWeiterentwicklungeines Teams vonFachkrรคftenimoperativenBereich. Berichtslinie an den Geschรคftsfรผhrerder Business Unit. Erfahrungenmit Change Management Ihr Profil: AbgeschlossenesStudiumimBereichLogistik, BetriebswirtschaftslehreodereinemverwandtenFeld. MehrjรคhrigeErfahrung in einervergleichbaren Position innerhalbderLogistikbranche, idealerweise in einemdeutschenmittelstรคndischenUnternehmen. NachweisbareErfolgebeiderUmsetzungvonDigitalisierungsprojektensowieeinestarkeoperationsnaheDenkweise. GrundlegendesVerstรคndnisfรผrDatenstrรถmeundderenKoordination; keinetiefgehenden IT-Kenntnisseerforderlich, jedochsolltenSiebereitsBerรผhrungspunktemitbringen. FundierteKenntnisse in den Bereichen Last Mile Delivery, Installation, Road Freight und Warehousing sindwรผnschenswert. AusgezeichneteanalytischeFรคhigkeitensowieeinelรถsungsorientierteArbeitsweise. StarkeKommunikationsfรคhigkeitenund die Fรคhigkeit, interdisziplinรคre Teams zufรผhren. Wir bieten: Eine verantwortungsvolle Position in einem dynamischen Umfeld mit Gestaltungsspielraum fรผr innovative Ideen innerhalb einer wichtigen Business Unit des Unternehmens. Die Mรถglichkeit, aktiv an der digitalen Transformation des Unternehmens mitzuwirken. Ein attraktives Vergรผtungspaket sowie individuelle Entwicklungsmรถglichkeiten. Wenn Sie bereit sind, Ihre Expertise in einem zukunftsorientierten Unternehmen einzubringen und die logistischen Prozesse entscheidend mitzugestalten, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Bitte senden Sie Ihre Unterlagen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen!

โ‚ฌ130000 - โ‚ฌ150000 per annum + Car

Freight Forwarder Manager (m/w/d)

Our client is a new international logistics service provider specializing in road freight and aims to build up their company. In Luebeck, they are looking for a: Freight Forwarder Manager (m/f/d) Tasks: Take on a central role between freight forwarders and transport companies. Organize all aspects of shipments to ensure timely delivery to the correct destinations. Maintain daily communication with international clients and transport partners. As it is a new company, you will have to cultivate new connections. Work independently while also collaborating with colleagues. Key Responsibilities: Transport Planning and Organization Cost Analysis and Risk Assessment Communication and Coordination Problem Management Experience: Experience in freight forwarding, road freight is a must. Strong communication skills. Must live in Germany at the moment. Independent and structured working style. Proficiency in English; German is preferred but not necessary. Benefits: A diverse and challenging position within a dynamic and enthusiastic team. Offering international career advancement opportunities. Competitive compensation based on qualifications and experience Are you interested? Please only apply if you meet the expectations. Send in your CV and we look forward to receiving your application!


Branch Manager (Rotterdam)

Job Title: Branch Manager - Rotterdam Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands About Us: Join our dynamic team in the logistics industry, where we prioritize innovation and excellence in contract logistics and fulfillment. Key Responsibilities: Oversee daily operations of the branch, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in logistics processes. Conduct income and expenditure analysis to drive business performance. Manage and mentor a team, fostering a collaborative and high-performance culture. Develop and implement strategies to enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction. Qualifications: Minimum of 5 years of management experience in the logistics industry, specifically in contract logistics and fulfillment. Strong understanding of logistics operations and business management principles. Proficient in English/Dutch; additional language skills are a plus. Personal Qualities: A solid understanding of Japanese culture is highly valued, enhancing our diverse workplace environment. Why Join Us? Be part of a forward-thinking company that values your expertise and offers opportunities for professional growth.


Logistics Planner m/f/d

Our client is a global leader in air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems, dedicated to delivering innovative and energy-efficient solutions. Their team thrives on collaboration, excellence, and a commitment to creating a sustainable future. As a Logistics Planner with management responsibilities, you will oversee the planning and execution of logistics operations to ensure efficient movement of goods across our supply chain. You will manage a team of logistics coordinators, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and implement strategies to optimise costs, enhance delivery performance, and maintain high customer satisfaction. Key responsibilities: Logistics Planning and Execution Develop and execute logistics plans for inbound and outbound transportation. Monitor inventory levels and ensure timely replenishment across distribution centres. Coordinate with suppliers, carriers, and internal stakeholders to ensure seamless delivery. Analyse shipping routes, schedules, and costs to identify optimisation opportunities. Team Leadership and Management Supervise and mentor a team of logistics coordinators, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Set team objectives and KPIs, and ensure accountability for achieving them. Conduct performance reviews, provide feedback, and identify training needs for team members. Act as the primary point of escalation for team-related challenges. Stakeholder Collaboration Work closely with procurement, sales, and production teams to align logistics plans with business needs. Partner with warehouse managers to ensure proper storage, handling, and distribution practices. Build and maintain strong relationships with third-party logistics providers (3PLs). Continuous Improvement Implement and monitor performance metrics for logistics activities, including delivery accuracy, cost efficiency, and transit times. Drive process improvements and leverage technology to streamline logistics work flows. Stay updated on industry trends, regulations, and best practices to enhance operational efficiency. Qualifications Education and Experience Bachelor's degree in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Business Administration, or a related field. Minimum of 5 years of experience in logistics planning, with at least 2 years in a management or supervisory role. Skills and Competencies Strong knowledge of logistics, transportation, and supply chain principles. Excellent leadership and team management skills. Proficiency in logistics software (e.g., SAP, Oracle Transportation Management) and advanced Microsoft Excel skills. Exceptional analytic and problem-solving abilities. Effective communication and negotiation skills. Certifications (Preferred) Certification in logistics or supply chain management (e.g., APICS, CSCP, CLTD) Benefits Permanent employment with competitive salary Christmas and holiday bonuses as well as company pension schemes 30 days of vacation Corporate Health Management Professional and personal training opportunities


Contract Logistics

Job Title: Contract Logistics Specialist Location: Rotterdam We are seeking a dedicated Contract Logistics Specialist to join our dynamic team in Rotterdam. Our warehouse currently manages contracts with 23 companies, and we need someone to enhance our operational efficiency. Key Responsibilities: Streamline logistics processes to improve efficiency, ensuring all team members are working effectively. Design and implement logistics processes for new customers. Prepare quotations and conduct cost calculations. Utilize Six Sigma methodologies to drive continuous improvement. Qualifications: Six Sigma Black Belt certification. Proficiency in Dutch is preferred, as our operators primarily speak Dutch. If you are passionate about logistics and ready to make a significant impact, we want to hear from you!


Key Account Manager- Munich

About the Company: Join an established global leader in the freight forwarding industry, renowned for delivering end-to-end air and ocean logistics solutions. This dynamic company provides a unique opportunity for career growth in a competitive and evolving global market. Be part of a team that strives to redefine logistics with a commitment to excellence. Job Overview: We are looking for an experienced Key Account Manager to join our air and ocean freight forwarding division, focusing on account retention and satisfaction. In this role, you will manage and strengthen relationships with key clients, particularly within the pharmaceutical, health care, and life sciences sectors, ensuring consistent, high-quality service that aligns with their complex logistics needs. This position is instrumental in maintaining and growing strategic accounts, fostering long-term loyalty, and supporting the company's commitment to providing reliable logistics solutions. Key Responsibilities: Account Retention: Drive retention of key accounts by maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction, conducting regular account reviews, and identifying and resolving service issues proactively. Client Relationship Management: Serve as the primary point of contact for key clients, understanding their unique needs and offering tailored solutions to ensure long-term partnerships. Industry Expertise: Utilize deep knowledge of air and ocean freight forwarding to support the complex logistics requirements of clients, especially in the pharma, healthcare, and life sciences verticals. Solution Development: Work closely with internal teams to develop and implement innovative logistics solutions that meet client objectives. Cross-functional Collaboration: Coordinate with sales, operations, and customer service teams to ensure seamless service delivery and support client retention initiatives. Account Growth Opportunities: Identify and capitalize on opportunities to expand the company's footprint within existing accounts, with a focus on client needs and emerging industry trends. Qualifications: Extensive experience in air and ocean freight forwarding, with a proven track record in key account management. Knowledge of the pharma, healthcare, and life sciences verticals is highly advantageous. Strong understanding of complex supply chains and logistics requirements. Exceptional communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. Ability to build and maintain strong client relationships and handle high-stakes interactions with professionalism and tact. Fluent in German and proficient in English. Willingness to travel as needed. What We Offer: Career Advancement: Opportunities for growth and development within a world-class global logistics organisation. Collaborative Culture: Work in a supportive environment that values creativity and continuous improvement. Flexible Work Environment: Hybrid working options, supporting both in-office and remote work arrangements to promote work-life balance. How to Apply: If you are an experienced account management professional with a background in air and ocean freight forwarding, we encourage you to apply. This is an ideal opportunity for a seasoned Key Account Manager who thrives on maintaining strong client relationships and delivering value in a highly dynamic logistics environment. Join a forward-thinking company where you can make a significant impact on the future of logistics and advance your career in a fast-paced, growth-oriented industry. 4o


Field Sales - Stuttgart M/F/D

Are you a driven and experienced sales professional with a passion for logistics and international freight forwarding? Do you have a proven track record in sales, specifically within the air and ocean freight sectors? If so, we want to hear from you! Our client, a global leader in the freight forwarding industry, is looking for a Field Sales Manager to join their growing team in Stuttgart. This is an exciting opportunity to work with cutting-edge logistics solutions, build relationships with key clients, and drive business growth in the greater Stuttgart region. Key Responsibilities: Identify, target, and engage potential clients in the greater Stuttgart region, focusing on air and ocean freight services. Develop and execute a regional sales strategy to increase market share and profitability. Manage the entire sales cycle from lead generation to contract negotiation and closing. Cultivate and maintain strong relationships with existing and potential customers, offering tailored logistics solutions to meet their needs. Work closely with operations and customer service teams to ensure the highest standards of service delivery. Regularly monitor market trends, competitor activity, and customer requirements to adapt and refine sales strategies. Meet and exceed sales targets while maintaining a strong customer satisfaction rate. Key Requirements: Proven experience in B2B sales within the freight forwarding or logistics industry, with a focus on air and ocean freight. Strong knowledge of international shipping, logistics processes, and supply chain management. Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills in both German and English. Self-motivated, results-oriented, and able to work independently. Ability to build and maintain relationships with key decision-makers at all levels. Willingness to travel frequently within the Stuttgart region and occasionally internationally. Why Join Us? Competitive salary and commission structure. Opportunities for career growth within an international organization. Supportive and dynamic work environment. Access to cutting-edge logistics technology and resources. If you're ready to take the next step in your sales career and make an impact in a rapidly growing global company, we would love to hear from you. Apply today and be part of a leading name in the international freight forwarding industry!


Key Account Manager- Munich - M/F/D

About the Company: Join an established global leader in the freight forwarding industry, renowned for delivering end-to-end air and ocean logistics solutions. This dynamic company provides a unique opportunity for career growth in a competitive and evolving global market. Be part of a team that strives to redefine logistics with a commitment to excellence. Job Overview: We are looking for an experienced Key Account Manager to join our air and ocean freight forwarding division, focusing on account retention and satisfaction. In this role, you will manage and strengthen relationships with key clients, particularly within the pharmaceutical, healthcare, and life sciences sectors, ensuring consistent, high-quality service that aligns with their complex logistics needs. This position is instrumental in maintaining and growing strategic accounts, fostering long-term loyalty, and supporting the company's commitment to providing reliable logistics solutions. Key Responsibilities: Account Retention: Drive retention of key accounts by maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction, conducting regular account reviews, and identifying and resolving service issues proactively. Client Relationship Management: Serve as the primary point of contact for key clients, understanding their unique needs and offering tailored solutions to ensure long-term partnerships. Industry Expertise: Utilize deep knowledge of air and ocean freight forwarding to support the complex logistics requirements of clients, especially in the pharma, healthcare, and life sciences verticals. Solution Development: Work closely with internal teams to develop and implement innovative logistics solutions that meet client objectives. Cross-functional Collaboration: Coordinate with sales, operations, and customer service teams to ensure seamless service delivery and support client retention initiatives. Account Growth Opportunities: Identify and capitalize on opportunities to expand the company's footprint within existing accounts, with a focus on client needs and emerging industry trends. Qualifications: Extensive experience in air and ocean freight forwarding, with a proven track record in key account management. Knowledge of the pharma, healthcare, and life sciences verticals is highly advantageous. Strong understanding of complex supply chains and logistics requirements. Exceptional communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. Ability to build and maintain strong client relationships and handle high-stakes interactions with professionalism and tact. Fluent in German and proficient in English. Willingness to travel as needed. What We Offer: Career Advancement: Opportunities for growth and development within a world-class global logistics organisation. Collaborative Culture: Work in a supportive environment that values creativity and continuous improvement. Flexible Work Environment: Hybrid working options, supporting both in-office and remote work arrangements to promote work-life balance. How to Apply: If you are an experienced account management professional with a background in air and ocean freight forwarding, we encourage you to apply. This is an ideal opportunity for a seasoned Key Account Manager who thrives on maintaining strong client relationships and delivering value in a highly dynamic logistics environment. Join a forward-thinking company where you can make a significant impact on the future of logistics and advance your career in a fast-paced, growth-oriented industry. 4o


Business Development Manager - Munich - M/F/D

About the Company: Join a dynamic division within a globally recognised leader in the freight forwarding industry, specialising in air and ocean logistics. This growing division offers a unique opportunity to play a crucial role in the success of a forward-thinking company with robust corporate support. With a strong focus on innovative digital solutions, the company is set to redefine the logistics landscape worldwide. Job Overview: We are seeking a highly motivated Sales Manager with extensive knowledge of air and ocean freight forwarding. This role is focused on driving business growth by securing and managing new clients across multiple verticals. This is a key position to expand the company's footprint in Germany and internationally, with excellent career advancement opportunities in a fast-evolving market. Key Responsibilities: Client Acquisition: Identify, engage, and secure new clients in air and ocean freight across various verticals. Business Development: Develop and execute strategic sales plans aimed at enhancing the company's market position in freight forwarding. Industry Expertise: Leverage your knowledge of air and ocean freight forwarding to offer tailored solutions that align with client needs and operational capabilities. Sales Strategy: Design and implement effective sales strategies to drive revenue growth and enhance customer satisfaction. Relationship Management: Establish and nurture long-term relationships with clients, fostering business development and client loyalty. Market Expansion: Collaborate with internal teams to synchronise business development efforts with the company's global expansion strategy in air and ocean freight forwarding. Qualifications: Proven experience in air and ocean freight forwarding. Deep understanding of logistics with expertise in managing complex supply chains. Cross-vertical experience is highly advantageous. Experience with digital platforms and logistics solutions is beneficial. Excellent negotiation, communication, and client management skills. Fluent in German and proficient in English. Willingness to travel as needed. What We Offer: Career Growth: Opportunities for substantial professional development and advancement within a leading global logistics organisation. Company Culture: A supportive and innovative environment that encourages collaboration and success. Hybrid Working: Flexibility to work both remotely and in-office within a modern, adaptable work culture. How to Apply: If you're a driven sales professional with expertise in air and ocean freight forwarding, we encourage you to apply. Be part of a team that is shaping the future of global logistics and advancing your career in a fast-paced, innovative company. This role is ideal for those looking to leverage their experience in freight forwarding within a global leader that combines the strength of an established giant with the flexibility and innovation of a rapidly growing division.


News & Insights

Energy crisis along the value chain โ€“    Four companies on the road to sustainability  Image

Energy crisis along the value chain โ€“ Four companies on the road to sustainability

โ€‹โ€‹DSJ Global discovered how four companies are saving energy and reducing emissionsRising prices, persistent inflation โ€“ what affects private households burdens the supply chain industry to an even greater extent. While energy-saving measures used to be simply related to a company's own Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) and sustainability strategy to reduce its carbon footprint, they are now part of essential processes that could secure long-term cost savings and eco-optimize a companyโ€™s future.But what can be done along the supply chain to keep control over rising energy costs? How can firms reduce their carbon footprint to both cut emissions and minimizeย consumption? Yumiko Moehlmann, Head of Quality & HSE at DSJ Global, asked.ย Reducing the carbon footprint as a businessย When asked, "What is your company doing to become more sustainable and save energy?" 51% of participants responded with a clear "reduce carbon footprint."ย 20% of companies are sourcing more sustainable raw materials for their production while 16% are switching to energy-saving solutions for lighting. 12% also said they are raising awareness among their employees through education and training.ย To gain further insights, Yumiko Moehlmann personally surveyed her network in the Quality and HSE area on the topic, talking to four companies along the supply chain to provide insights into how their companies are defying rising energy prices - or not.ย Energy targets firmly anchored in corporate cultureCOO at a global player in the e-mobility sectorThe e-mobility sector is considered a pioneer in sustainability. A global player and client of DSJ Global also pursues this mission at the level of corporate culture. They have clearly defined environmental and energy goals and woven them into their corporate strategy.ย "We raise awareness on the topic of energy," explains the COO. By visualizing the costs and energy consumption of equipment and production, their company create awareness among employees, who can adjust and optimize their actions and processes accordingly.ย There are also detailed shutdown lists to ensure that sensitive machinery is operated correctly and that all employees are taught the right procedure. This saves resources and protects the equipment. Furthermore, efforts to switch to the most modern and energy-saving machines support the companyโ€™s current measures. Although these machines have to meet certain requirements, they are much more efficient and cost-effective to operate.For example, the global player has already converted to a decentralized compressed air network with small local systems that run when they are needed. Previously, they were in continuous operation even though it wasn't necessary.ย โ€‹In-house gardening as a delicious solutionโ€‹Director Global EHS at a tier 1 automotive supplierโ€‹One easy-to-implement option for indirectly reducing one's own emissions is to switch to so-called green electricity, i.e. electricity from renewable sources. Electricity from solar, wind or even biogas produces less CO2 during production and is therefore considered better for the environment. Yet upon closer inspection, these promising effects might be lower in reality, according to the Director for Global EHS at a tier 1 automotive supplier.ย โ€‹This long-time customer of DSJ Global has already converted many areas to green energy. However, the Director was skepticalโ€“ he saw it as clear "greenwashing."ย โ€‹Greenwashing refers to the attempt by organizations to achieve a "green image" through communication, marketing and individual measures without having systematically anchored corresponding measures in the operational business.ย โ€‹"Electricity is ultimately the same for everyone," says the Director. The percentage from renewable sources doesn't change the fact of how much energy is consumed, he said. Consequently, a widely advertised switch to green electricity is not effective, since ESG must be primarily about reducing the company's own emissions.ย โ€‹For the Director, however, it would be more effective to switch all light sources in operation to resource-saving LEDs.ย โ€‹Unfortunately, the biggest problem cannot be solved so easily: According to lifecycle analyses that the automotive supplier initiated for each product, their supply chain leaves the largest carbon footprint.ย ย โ€‹They found that commuting had a particularly heavy impact as well. After two years of pandemic home office regulations, more and more companies are looking to return to the office to strengthen collaboration within departments and teams.ย โ€‹As the Director explains, his company is currently looking for a solution to make this more sustainable. Some employees have no other choice than their car, but for others, covering the cost for public transportation or even leasing a bike is an option. In addition, smaller on-site office spaces could help reduce emissions if a location has a larger catchment area with longer commutes.โ€‹In other areas, there's room for more creativity: some locations of the automotive supplier, the director said, have established in-house gardens to more sustainably source the fresh fruits and vegetables provided to employees each day. "In the past, fruits and vegetables were delivered daily," the Director explains. "Inhouse gardening stops the supply chain and their vans, saving tons of CO2, and the company cafeterias use the homegrown fruits and vegetables instead."โ€‹The initiative has been so well received that entire teams are now getting personally involved. In the "Lunch & Learn" format, employees educate themselves via open lectures on a variety of topics while enjoying a company-funded lunch.โ€‹Global Sustainability Manager defies initial pessimismโ€‹Head of Health, Safety, Environment, Sustainability, Quality, at a global player in the chemical industryโ€‹There is less optimism at a company in the CHEMPARK network. The head of HSSEQ sees very little potential โ€“ apart from putting a stop to production โ€“ for saving energy.โ€‹Reducing commuting and the associated emissions as well as the energy required through more flexible home office solutions is only possible to a limited extent in the case of this company, he says.ย โ€‹But the company does not want to give up. It has recently hired a Global Sustainability Manager and hopes for sustainable change, even if any structures have to develop before they take effect and lead to savings.ย โ€‹Photovoltaics as an alternative to costly investmentsโ€‹Senior Manager Mineralization at a building materials manufacturerโ€‹The possibility of saving energy in cement production is a question that also occupies the senior manager for mineralization of a building materials manufacturer. In fact, the only way to do this, the senior manager says, is to stop production or shut it down โ€“ neither of which are economically viable options, of course.โ€‹Since the manufacturer buys its electricity on the stock exchange, itโ€™s possible to obtain it more cheaply, yet that depends on the production processes. They need to be optimized to allow for a more cost-effective tariff.ย โ€‹Another option is to invest in more energy-efficient plants. "Some of our equipment is 60 or 70 years old," the senior manager says. "New machines are inevitably more energy efficient, but realistically we can't replace all the machines because the cost would be far too high."โ€‹How his company nevertheless tries to counteract the enormous costs and has been reducing the overall need for externally produced energy for years. Their method of choice: photovoltaic systems on the factory roofs. This is already proving effective: The resulting savings could light up an entire small town.ย โ€‹Heat recovery as the vision of the futureโ€‹Senior EHS Manager at a global semiconductor companyโ€‹Since they are renting in their current location, this global semiconductor company has little room to maneuver.ย โ€‹"We're turning down the heat, relying on home offices and reduced hours," explains DSJ Global's client. Long-term goals are few and far between since, as a tenant, they can't seek extensive renovations.ย โ€‹Still, there are innovative ideas: Since the production machines give off a lot of heat, the Senior EHS Manager and his team are working on using this to generate electricity via heat recovery.โ€‹Funding for production conversion in sightโ€‹As difficult as cost savings and emissions reductions are: A competitive, climate-friendly industry is essential for sustainable growth and the fight against climate change.ย ย โ€‹At the beginning of December 2022, Germanyโ€™s Economics Minister Robert Habeck announced climate protection agreements that he would conclude with industry in 2023 to stimulate necessary investments in the use of hydrogen. This is the best alternative to fossil energy sources, especially in the steel and chemical industries. Under the climate protection agreements, companies receive both subsidies and monetary support if they convert to green production.ย ย โ€‹When and to what extent these funds will come remains to be seen. Until then, it's up to innovative ideas like indoor gardens and company-owned photovoltaic systems to make the value chain more sustainable. โ€‹Conclusionโ€‹Opinions on how to save energy along the value chain vary widely, Yumiko Moehlmann confirms. "Many companies don't want to or can't change anything, or position themselves better. Others invest a lot in it."ย โ€‹She sees the promised climate agreements as a positive sign. After all, as some of the examples cited show, companies especially need help with the enormous costs of switching to greener production.ย โ€‹Yumiko and her team of experts at DSJ Global are closely following how the energy crisis is affecting HSE and sustainability strategies and how different companies are adapting. Whether the companies that are not currently planning any changes will aim for more sustainable production in the future remains cause for speculation.โ€‹Your partner for sustainable niche professionalsโ€‹In addition to HSE talents, our global network continues to grow in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability.โ€‹Reach out to our talent experts today, to discuss us supporting you with a vacancy, or as a professional keen to make their next career move.ย โ€‹โ€‹Submit a vacancyโ€‹Send CVโ€‹Contactโ€‹Yumiko Moehlmannโ€‹Head of Quality & HSE, DSJ Globalโ€‹yumiko.moehlmann@dsjglobal.comโ€‹+49 30 726211418

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Addressing the UK Energy Crisis: Embracing Sustainability Image

Addressing the UK Energy Crisis: Embracing Sustainability

The United Kingdom is currently facing an energy crisis, a situation that has far-reaching implications for various sectors, including supply chains. The depletion of fossil fuel reserves, closure of aging power plants, and overreliance on imported natural gas have strained the nation's energy infrastructure. Factors like extreme weather events and limited investment in new energy infrastructure further exacerbates the situation, leading to potential disruptions in energy supply.In this blog, we will explore the UK energy crisis and the need for sustainability, discuss job opportunities in sustainability, and delve into the impact this crisis is having on supply chains.The Need for SustainabilityTo address the UK energy crisis, sustainability must be at the forefront of the nation's energy strategy. Here's why sustainability is crucial:Climate Change Mitigation: The transition to renewable energy sources is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. By embracing sustainable alternatives like wind, solar, and hydropower, the UK can significantly decrease its carbon footprint and align with global climate goals.Energy Security: Diversifying the energy mix with renewable sources enhances energy security. A heavy reliance on imported energy resources makes the UK susceptible to geopolitical tensions and market fluctuations. By developing domestic renewable energy infrastructure, the country can reduce dependence on foreign supplies and increase resilience.Economic Opportunities: Transitioning to a sustainable energy system opens up substantial economic opportunities. Investment in renewable energy projects, research and development, and green technologies can drive job creation, stimulate economic growth, and position the UK as a leader in the clean energy sector.For more information on the need for sustainability, download our latest report on making a case for sustainable business practice.Job Opportunities in SustainabilityEmbracing sustainability in the energy industry not only addresses the UK's energy crisis but also unlocks numerous job opportunities. The transition to renewable energy sources and sustainable practices fosters job creation across various sectors, including:Renewable Energy: The growth of renewable energy requires skilled professionals in engineering, project management, and operations. From installing and maintaining wind turbines to managing solar farms, these jobs offer stable employment prospects while contributing to a greener future.Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Improving energy efficiency is a crucial aspect of sustainability. Energy auditors, retrofitting specialists, and sustainable design consultants play vital roles in reducing energy waste and optimizing energy consumption in buildings, industries, and transportation.Research and Development: Advancing sustainable technologies requires continuous research and innovation. Scientists, engineers, and researchers specializing in areas like battery storage, smart grid systems, and clean fuel development have the opportunity to shape the future of the energy industry.Impact on Supply ChainsThe UK energy crisis has significant implications for supply chains across sectors. Here are a few effects observed:Disruptions in Operations: Energy shortages can lead to disruptions in manufacturing and distribution operations. Businesses reliant on a stable energy supply may experience delays, decreased productivity, and potential bottlenecks in the supply chain.Rising Energy Costs: Escalating energy prices put pressure on businesses' operational costs, impacting their bottom line. Higher energy expenses can strain supply chain budgets and lead to price increases for consumers.Increased Focus on Resilience: The energy crisis highlights the importance of building resilient supply chains. Companies are recognizing the need to diversify energy sources, invest in energy-efficient technologies, and explore localized renewable energy generation to reduce vulnerability to energy disruptions.The UK energy crisis demands a swift transition towards sustainability, and businesses play a vital role in driving this change. If you are a forward-thinking company seeking to build a sustainable business and contribute to a greener future, we invite you to request a call back from DSJ Global.At DSJ Global, we understand the importance of sustainability and the benefits it brings to businesses. Our team of experts specializes in guiding companies by actively providing talent pools with sustainable skill sets, helping you to navigate the complexities of renewable energy adoption, energy efficiency measures, and sustainable practices.By requesting a call back from DSJ Global, you will have the opportunity to discuss your specific business needs, goals, and aspirations. Our knowledgeable consultants will provide tailored advice and solutions, empowering you to make informed decisions that align with your vision of creating a sustainable business.Together, let us embark on a journey towards a cleaner, greener, and more prosperous future. Request a call back from DSJ Global today and take the first step towards becoming a sustainability leader in your industry.

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Should your business offer flexible working? Talent experts at DSJ Global advise  Image

Should your business offer flexible working? Talent experts at DSJ Global advise

The adoption of flexible working has increased over the last few years as technological advancements make it easier to work from anywhere at any time. This has left many companies facing the question of whether to embrace flexible working on a permanent basis. Can the future be flexible in the supply chain industry, and do companies need to offer it to attract and retain the best talent?ย We spoke to some of the talent experts at DSJ Global to find out how industry leaders are balancing the growing need to remain competitive in the hiring landscape with their business requirements and objectives.The supply chain industry has traditionally been reliant on on-site work, so flexible working in the supply chain industry presents its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. Matt Wood, Executive Director Europe at DSJ Global confirms:ย โ€œWe have to remember that the nature of the roles we recruit in supply chain sometimes means that people must be in the office. You canโ€™t run a production site from your home office; you need to be on-site. The same goes for roles working in quality control, manufacturing processes and health & safety.โ€How many supply chain companies offer flexible working?As part of DSJ Globalโ€™s report, โ€˜The Impact of Flexible Workingโ€™, we surveyed top business leaders in the supply chain industry to find out how their company has been impacted by the rise of flexible working. 63% of clients said they currently offer flexible working, 20% offer fully remote roles, and the remaining 17% do not offer any flexible working options.ย We asked Emily Cook, Senior Vice President โ€“ Head of Procurement Search at DSJ Global, if the results were in line with her experiences finding top talent for leading supply chain firms:ย โ€œThis isnโ€™t surprising - more companies are decreasing fully remote positions, and we are also seeing more companies offering flexibility on a case-by-case situation. However, bear in mind that some candidates have declined offers based on flexibility not being offered formally in their contract, as they are worried the terms could change or be taken away at any minute.โ€Matt provides insights from a client perspective:ย โ€œA key requirement when hiring for supply chain roles is the ability to build relationships and trust with your key stakeholders quickly. Most of our clients need candidates who can be in front of their stakeholders and accessible to them throughout these processes so even for positions that can be carried out fully remotely, such as procurement, I rarely see companies offering 100% remote positions.โ€Flexible working โ€“ the positivesOne of the biggest advantages of flexible working in the supply chain industry is increased productivity and loyalty. By allowing employees to work from home or alternative hours, companies can help their staff to achieve a better work-life balance and feel more in control of their lives, which in turn can lead to higher levels of motivation and engagement.ย Flexible working can also help companies to attract and retain top talent in todayโ€™s competitive job market, with many professionals looking for companies that offer flexible working arrangements.Out of the 17% of businesses DSJ Global surveyed that donโ€™t offer any flexibility, 38% plan to introduce it for these reasons. Emily states: โ€œCandidates are asking about flexibility as much as they ask about compensation; it is an increasing priority for them. Companies are losing out on new talent and their own existing talent due to not giving flexibility on working hours or working from home, so we are seeing more and more companies increase their flexibility offering.โ€Flexible working โ€“ the challengesOne of the biggest challenges of flexible working in the supply chain industry is maintaining effective communication and collaboration between team members. When employees are working remotely or outside of traditional hours, it can be difficult to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. This can lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and other communication-related issues, all having an impact on company culture.DSJ Globalโ€™s survey found an equal split with 37% each experiencing a positive or negative impact on company culture due to flexible working, with the remaining 26% unchanged. Emily advises:ย โ€œHaving a team and company culture that is supportive, collaborative, and approachable is what people are often looking for when changing roles. Some managers believe this is better formed when the team is together on site, but companies need to adapt and learn new ways of maintaining a positive company culture while navigating flexibility for the team. This could come from structure or innovative methods of team collaboration.โ€Can flexible working improve hiring and retention challenges?The biggest hiring challenge according to DSJ Globalโ€™s clients is a shortage of qualified candidates (37%), followed by increasing competition for top talent (20%). 10% find it is a struggle to retain talent. Emily offers her experience with how businesses can improve their hiring and retention based on candidate attitudes towards flexible working:ย โ€œThe current market is very candidate driven. During COVID, professionals were worried about changing roles while there was instability in the market, but in 2021-22 we saw an influx of candidates feeling more secure in taking the risk. In the last 6-12 months, with talks of the recession, the risk has gone back up for candidates and so they are less are likely to move.ย โ€œHowever, there is a shortage of qualified candidates on the market and a lot of the candidates we are supporting are also in two or three other processes, so companies must be competitive with speed of their interview process, salaries and additional benefits. We are also seeing more counteroffers to compete with retaining talent, including more flexible hours and increasing responsibility. Itโ€™s due to this competition that salaries are increasing, which is why more companies are struggling to retain talent.โ€Final considerations for businesses considering flexible workingRemote and hybrid options play a central role in both hiring decisions and company culture. The number of days people are expected to be in the office affects the success of a company's hiring strategy and helps retain existing talent, as 67% of survey respondents agree. However, for 16% of supply chain leaders, it comes at the expense of productivity, and in 37% of cases it has a negative impact on office culture. We asked Emily for her key takeaways for clients asking whether to offer flexible working:โ€œI would advise that if supply chain businesses want to attract and retain the best talent, they need to offer some sort of flexibility and at-home working, but they need a clear structure to ensure it doesnโ€™t affect the company culture.โ€Matt offers another word of warning for European organisations offering remote working on a global scale:ย โ€œItโ€™s clear that hybrid and flexible working is the norm now but at management and senior management level roles, often responsible for global teams and multiple sites, there has been a requirement to manage a complicated schedule around global colleagues and stakeholders for a long time. Donโ€™t under-estimate the impact that โ€œcross-borderโ€ remote working has on this dynamic โ€“ it isnโ€™t as simple as being employed by a UK company in a 100% remote role and doing so from the beach in Spain โ€“ there are tax implications as well as eligibilities when working in other locations.โ€Learn moreThe future of flexible working in the supply chain industry is explored further in DSJ Globalโ€™s report, โ€˜The Impact of Flexible Workingโ€™, where we surveyed business leaders to provide you with insights on how productivity and company culture has been impacted by the increasing prevalence of flexible working, the benefits and challenges it has brought to business leaders, and how companies plan to use flexible working to attract and retain top talent.Click here to download โ€˜The Impact of Flexible Workingโ€™ report.If you would like to talk to us about your current talent needs, fill in our form and one of our consultants will call you back.ย  โ€‹

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How to Avoid Bias in Job Descriptions Image

How to Avoid Bias in Job Descriptions

There is overwhelming evidence that companies with diverse workforces perform better on every possible metric, with diversity positively impacting every level of a business, from the cleaning staff to the board of directors.ย Bringing in as many perspectives, working styles and experience as possible to a workplace leads to integration, success and growth to those businesses who dedicate effort into attracting a diverse talent pool.ย The first step to make when aiming to achieve a balanced workforce is to ensure job advertisements avoid signs of unconscious bias. This helps present you as a welcoming and forward-thinking employer. You will also discover that your job positions attract a rich wealth of resumes after eliminating bias in your job descriptions.ย Biased job descriptions can discourage capable and talented candidates from applying for a role they are perfect for, and problems can be found both within the language and content of your job descriptions.ย Thankfully, it is easy to avoid bias in job descriptions through simple edits and considerations. Follow these rules to attract a diverse and successful talent pool.What is Unconscious Bias?โ€‹Though the majority of us strive to encourage inclusiveness and diversity, unconscious bias incorporates the assumptions we make about groups based on gender, ethnicity, age and class due to the structures we live in. When writing job descriptions, this will most often come through in gendered or other biased language.ย ย Unconscious bias can discourage qualified candidates who feel like a job description is looking for a specific type of person, and are unintentionally excluded.ย โ€‹Are Your Job Titles Inclusive?โ€‹Unconscious bias affects many aspects of language, through to job titles themselves. Many job titles are gendered, and successful efforts have been made to reframe traditional roles such as chairman (chairperson), fireman (firefighter) and councilman (council member).Even modern descriptors hold a bias. Have you ever seen a job from a hip company seeking a โ€˜rockstarโ€™, a โ€˜guruโ€™ or a โ€˜ninjaโ€™? These are fun titles which give candidates a vivid impression of a company's culture, but all of these terms still hold gendered connotations. A mother in her 40s with the qualifications and experience required may not want to apply for a role with โ€˜ninjaโ€™ in the title. These job titles can also give the (often false) impression of a company dominated by men or entrenched in a โ€˜ladโ€™ culture where others are not welcome.ย โ€‹Ensure your job titles are gender-neutral, avoid discouraging older applicants and are descriptive of what the job entails (e.g. โ€˜Magento Build Project Managerโ€™).Use Gender-Neutral Pronounsโ€‹This is a fast and effective way of cleaning up your job descriptions, and a simple rule to follow when advertising new roles. Donโ€™t include gender-specific pronouns in your job description. Stick to they/their and you when referring to the candidate. โ€˜S/heโ€™ is also an acceptable replacement for gender-specific pronouns,ย ย This rule also applies to collective nouns. Phrases such as โ€˜guysโ€™ can be easily replaced with โ€˜teamโ€™ or โ€˜folksโ€™.ย Check For Biased Languageโ€‹This is where judgement can be more complicated.ย When describing the ideal candidate for a role, job descriptions do lean towards using phrases which contain unconscious bias. For example, typically masculine traits include โ€˜assertiveโ€™ and โ€˜competitiveโ€™. While women have every ability to be assertive in the workplace, this can also be viewed as loyalty and supportiveness through a โ€˜feminineโ€™ lens.ย This also works the other way. Roles which may be classically applied to by women may include words such as โ€˜bubblyโ€™ or โ€˜nurturingโ€™ to unconsciously encourage female applicants and discourage applications from men.ย Avoid Presenting A Toxic Work Cultureโ€‹When presenting your work culture, language choices can give applicants the vision of a โ€˜broโ€™ culture of after-work beers, chats about matchday and, in worse case scenarios, sexual harassment. Phrases such as โ€˜work hard, play hardโ€™ and โ€˜banterโ€™ will not only put off the majority of female applicants but many men too. Consider the wide spectrum of lifestyles your potential applicants could follow and elements of your work culture which will appeal to many, not just a single generation or lifestyle.Consider Your Job Requirementsโ€‹Alongside bias in language, the general content of your job applications are worth reviewing to make them more inclusive. This includes avoiding job descriptions which contain an exhaustive list of skills needed for the role.ย In general, men are usually much more confident in their suitability for the roles they apply for, even if they donโ€™t have all of the required skills for the role. Meanwhile, women are much more cautious about applying for roles. The more in-depth and specific a job description is, the less likely a qualified or near-qualified woman will apply for it, even if she ticks more boxes than a male applicant.ย Avoid this by outlining only the absolutely essential requirements for the role (such as education levels, years of experience, skills qualifications) followed by general โ€˜desiredโ€™ or โ€˜nice to haveโ€™ requirements. This will lift barriers to entry which often stop those with low confidence or imposter syndrome to apply. Provide a smaller amount of boxes to โ€˜tickโ€™ to attract a larger and higher quality range of candidates.ย โ€‹The best approach is to create descriptions which use succinct and direct language. Make your descriptions easy to follow, read and digest.ย Use Online Tools To Eliminate Bias in Job DescriptionsLarger companies have now invested in software to help highlight and change job descriptions and other materials to remove signs of unconscious bias. Recruitment software OnGig uses a text analysis tool to help remove biased language. Textio is a leading โ€˜augmented writingโ€™ software for recruiters which will eliminate gendered or biased language or job requirements while still ensuring your chosen language has the passion and impact you want to encourage applications.ย โ€‹โ€‹Want to learn more about diverse recruitment strategies? Contact Our Team

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Do Employers Interview the Best Candidate First? Image

Do Employers Interview the Best Candidate First?

โ€‹When it comes to interviews, there's always a debate about whether being the first or last candidate interviewed is beneficial. We'll explore the strategies behind scheduling interviews and whether employers typically interview the best candidate first.Do Employers Interview Best Candidate First?There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether employers interview the best candidate first. The reality is that different employers have different strategies when it comes the scheduling process. Itโ€™s important to remember only the top candidates will be interviewed and therefore there is something interesting about your experience that the hiring manager will be looking to touch upon within the interview.The Case for Interviewing FirstSome hiring managers may choose to interview the strongest candidates first. This can be advantageous for a number of reasons. By interviewing the top candidate early, employers can gauge other candidates' performances against the benchmark set by the best candidate. This can also help streamline the hiring process if the best candidate impresses the interviewer and is a clear fit for the position.The Case for Interviewing LastOn the other hand, some employers may prefer to save the best for last. This can allow them to get a better understanding of the overall candidate pool and make it easier to identify the top candidate's strengths and weaknesses. By interviewing the best candidate last, employers can also ensure they have a lasting impression of the strongest contender, which may be useful during the decision-making process.Other FactorsMany other factors can influence the order in which candidates are interviewed, such as scheduling conflicts, interviewer preferences, or internal processes. Therefore, it's important not to read too much into the order of your interview.FAQsTo help you navigate the often complex world of interviews, we've answered some commonly asked questions.Does Being Interviewed First Mean Anything?Being interviewed first doesn't necessarily indicate your standing as a candidate. It's important to remember that there are many reasons why an employer may schedule interviews in a certain order, and it's often unrelated to the perceived quality of the candidates.Does the Order of Your Interview Matter?While the order of your interview may have some impact on how your performance is assessed, it's crucial to focus on what you can control: presenting your skills, experience, and personality in the best possible light. Ultimately, being well-prepared and confident will have a much greater impact on your chances of success than the order in which you are interviewed.How Long After an Interview Should You Hear Back?The time it takes to hear back after an interview can vary widely depending on the company, the position, and the number of candidates. Generally, you can expect to hear back within one to two weeks, but it may take longer in some cases. If you haven't heard back within this timeframe, it's acceptable to follow up with the employer or your talent consultant to inquire about the status of the hiring process.Why Choose Us?At DSJ Global, ourteam of experts are dedicated to providing you with the latest insights, tips, and advice to help you succeed in your job search with us. Whether you're looking for guidance on career progression, interview preparation, resume writing, or salary negotiation, we're here to support you every step of the way.Get in Touch NowReady to take your career to the next level?Submit your CV today and discover relevant roles. Contact ustoday to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your career goals.

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The Impact of Flexible Working Image

The Impact of Flexible Working

โ€‹Assessing the adoption of flexible working in the supply chain industrySince its introduction to the masses, flexible working has revolutionized the world of employment. As the demand for supply chain professionals continues to grow worldwide, strategies to facilitate flexible and remote working have become essential in attracting and retaining top-tier talent.For many, some degree of flexibility is essential to achieving a healthy work-life balance. This can in turn, result in a happier and more productive workforce, which benefits businesses. However, moving processes away from the office can also have a negative impact on company culture, as teams interact less, decreasing productivity. The ambiguity of the situation made us wonder: What is the real impact of flexible working? To answer this question, here at DSJ Global we engaged with top businesses to understand their flexible working strategy. Exploring the state of flexible working across the supply chain, we take a look at the following: How productivity and company culture has been impacted by hybrid and flexible working patterns What leaders see as the benefits and the challenges to flexible workingHow companies plan to use flexible working to attract and retain top talentOffering valuable insights to professionals seeking to understand the state of flexible working in supply chain, and for organizations reflecting on their flexible and working from home policies, both can take away a number of key considerations from this exclusive report. โ€‹Download your copy of the report by completing the form below:โ€‹

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The Case for Sustainable Business Practice Image
Global Job Confidence Index 2021 Image

Global Job Confidence Index 2021

โ€‹โ€‹The annual DSJ Global Job Confidence Index aims to measure the beating heartbeat of the Supply chain and procurement labor market, their confidence in the economy, securing or finding a job, compensation and bonus, flexible working patterns, and whether the bull-bear factors in employment have altered.

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The Virtual Recruitment Landscape: Reset and Reboot Image

The Virtual Recruitment Landscape: Reset and Reboot

โ€‹The historical events of the past year made most firms pivot and re-evaluate their talent acquisition processes. Despite the resetting of traditional workplace rules, on the back of many businesses continuing to limit travel and in-person collaboration, what can be said for the virtual recruitment landscape then?โ€‹At DSJ Global, a subsidiary brand of the Phaidon International group, we recently engaged with our supply chain and procurement network. In the latest survey, the mandate is clear: 84% of respondents report that they are still conducting digital interviews.How can employers capitalize on a dynamic talent market when face-to-face contact has primarily been refuted? The answer lies deep-rooted in crafting a hyper-personalized, virtual recruitment strategy that accurately assesses a candidateโ€™s competencies and skill set, whilst also providing an immersive user-experience online. Download our complementary guide to discover the digital-fast tactics that can keep your talent pipeline flowing, so you can lead from the front. โ€‹This Guide Covers: The Virtual Recruitment Landscape: Reset and Reboot? Recruiting Remotely: A New Playing Field Idiosyncrasies and Nuances of Virtual Recruiting Decoding the Virtual Recruitment Landscape

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